CRM Contact Linking

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Keeping track of relationships between your jewelry store’s customers is vital for good customer service. BusinessMind’s jewelry store CRM makes this task easy with it’s Link Relation feature.

Best practices for managing a jewelry store customer database prescribes that each customer should have their own contact record, as opposed to shared contact records for husbands and wives for example. This is important for customer privacy and helps sales associates from accidentally spoiling surprise gifts. Although managing separate records for customers has many benefits, it remains important to be able to identify relationships between contacts, for example, between a husband and wife’s accounts.

Creating a relation link between two contact creates a two way hyperlink to the related contact from both contact screens allowing quick navigation between related contacts. Any contact can be linked to up to 10 other contacts.

Contacting linking is just one of the many features BusinessMind offers to help you run your jewelry store profitably with minimal effort.