Looking for BusinessMind at the Trade Show?

Show time

Let's face it, trade shows aren't a great venue for selecting point of sale and inventory control software for your jewelry store. Spending 15 minutes leaning over a counter staring at cold software before your next appointment with another product vendor doesn't make a for a great decision making environment. We know this, because we have tried it for many years.

Remember floppy discs and CDs?

In the days before the internet and the availability of instant downloads, trade shows might have been the only way to get a copy of program you wanted to try. But now its 2015 and most of us are walking around with access to bandwidth and communication power that we would never have dreamed of in 1998, right in our pockets via smart phone!

Try BusinessMind Software for Jewelers Today

If you would like to try BusinessMind Software for Jewelers, in the comfort of your own office, on your own computer, please call (201-313-1845), email (sales@dcit.com), or [contact us through this form](http://www.businessmind-for-jewelers.com/getbmj/).

We're here to help you

Would you like a walk through of the system or do you have questions you want to discuss? We are happy to schedule an appointment to help you via phone or video conference. Technology and the internet have created a lot of great ways to make distance almost vanish so you can visit with us any day of the year, without expense or having to  leave the comfort of your office.