What's New In BusinessMind

Update 2022-01-18

Here at DCIT we’re always working to improve the BusinessMind platform by releasing new features, squashing bugs, and delivering fresh documentation. Here’s what we’ve been working on in the latest update.

Web/Mobile POS

This update is focused on fixing a few bugs found in the web/mobile POS.

Bugs Squashed

  1. Some users reported issues with the web/mobile POS not automatically applying the default sales tax. This issue has been found and fixed.

  2. A potential crash on completing Returns/Refunds has been remedied.

  3. We noticed that the receipt note dialog didn’t quite look right because a border was missing. The effect was minor but more pronounced in dark mode. Though it didn’t cause any functional problems, we want to keep our next gen web/mobile POS looking sharp! 😎

Alessia Minassian